Call Surgery

Welcome to the UK’s only call surgery.

Book straight into your lawyers’ diaries. No gate keeper, no waiting, no missing each other!

1/ Click your lawyer’s name to book your fixed appointment, either in a morning or afternoon slot.

2/Download the free “Team” app. Similar but better than Zoom plus more secure than a mobile call and you have a full audit too. You can even opt to talk to your lawyer on video or audio on the Teams meeting.

3/ At 2 minutes before your fixed appointment click the Microsoft Teams link we send you, so you can wait in the online lobby. That will give you time to remind yourself of your questions before your lawyer let’s you in at your booked time.  

4/You get a dedicated 5 minutes but normally our experts can help you much quicker. But please ask your question on the form first. Should you need over 5 minutes, double book two 5 minute slots providing you explain the need for the double booking please. 

5/ Don’t forget to check out our online portal first as most of your questions will be answered there. It’s the only live system in the UK and it’s 24/7.  

6/ You can book during either of two daily sessions: 

Morning: 10-11am

Afternoon: 2-4pm

7/ Please don’t miss your appointment.  If you are not there when we call, you can re-book without charge but only for your first missed appointment. If you no longer need it just cancel it, even on the same day. 

8/ Please add your specific question in the booking form. This is needed in your best interests. A question allows your lawyer to grab your file, check your notes in advance. Without it, the call cannot proceed as we want to ensure we give you the right advice, not rushed advice.