The Ultimate Guide To Conveyancing For Estate Agents

As we rapidly approach the 2020s, it is clear that conveyancing for estate agents must be cutting-edge using state-of-the-art IT platforms and facilities. Finding the right partner in terms of a technically-driven conveyancing firm with a long-standing record of excellence and outstanding client satisfaction levels, should be a number one priority. Their expertise and willingness to work at a highly efficient rapid pace, will drastically affect your success and income from unlimited successful residential sale deals.

Once you have developed a superior mutually beneficial working relationship, then the sky is the limit in terms of business potential. But in order to get there, you have to chose the conveyancing firm you want to partner with wisely. It does not matter any more where they are in terms of geographical location, as most of the conveyancing process is now internet driven, and communication is over the phone and internet whether you are in the same street or hundreds of miles apart. And the days when courier bikers were used for collecting various documents are now long gone, as they are now sent online.

One platform of interest to major estate agents, and others who want to achieve great things, is the recently launched software platform, known as the Conveyancing Partnership. This is a white labelled crossbred compliance and conveyancing solution to help estate agents. It was tested out by various independent estate agents for a period of one year with spectacular results.

The beauty of this platform is that the software has been generated to make the conveyancing process faster – something that all estate agents have longed for, for what seems like forever. It is also geared to assist estate agents who would like to work with conveyancers of their choice, and who want assistance through their cooperation.

Once a property is put on the market, the software enables a major percentage of the conveyancing procedure to be finished online. In addition to this, sellers are inspired to fill in all the necessary questionnaires relating to the property and fittings and fixtures online; and digital signatures are used by all parties. The important aspect of these elements is that they are all approved by the Law Society. As soon as these aspects are completed, the transmission control protocol immediately generates a web link for the property. This is agent branded, and contains all the relevant data that is needed by the conveyancer and the purchaser.

Everything on the platform is displayed in a clear and easy to navigate format. As soon as an offer has been accepted by the seller, within a 24 hour period the draft contract can be released since the questionnaires have already been submitted. Furthermore, there is a decrease in fall through rates due to the exclusive ‘traffic light’ report that is emailed out to the estate agent after every instruction. This underlines any potentially problematic issues prior to the estate agent finding a purchaser.

And so it seems that an ultimate ideal partnership in the 21st century combines the forces of a dynamic estate agent, a first-class conveyancer, and a platform such as the Conveyancing Partnership.

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