Conveyancing Checklist 2022

Conveyancing Checklist 2022

This conveyancing checklist for the UK in 2022 will help you make sure you’ve taken care of everything. Whether you’re an estate agent, buyer or seller, this checklist provides a comprehensive overview of what needs to be done when conveyancing.

Conveyancing Checklist

1. Get a Solicitor/Conveyancer

2. Find out if there are any restrictions on the property

3. Check for Planning Permissions

4. Agree on the Price

5. Exchange Contracts

6 Exchange Completion Dates


1. [ps2id id=’my-id1′ target=”/]Get a Solicitor/Conveyancer

Conveyancing is the legal process of transferring ownership of a property. It’s important to protect yourself by ensuring that your Conveyancing checklist includes finding a reliable solicitor or Conveyancer who can provide you with professional and informed advice.

Professional Conveyancers or solicitors will know the ins and outs of Conveyancing law, keeping your transaction as smooth and stress-free as possible. They can explain all the terms and conditions, so you are well informed about what you are signing up for.

If you’re located, take some time to do your research and find the right solicitor or Conveyancer – it could be worth it in the long run!

Also read: How to Choose a Good Conveyancing Solicitor 


2. [ps2id id=’my-id2′ target=”/]Find out if there are any restrictions on the property


When buying or selling property, it is vital to be aware of any restrictions or limitations on the title. As part of any conveyancing checklist, potential buyers should be certain to find out if there are any such encumbrances that may impact their purchase.

Therefore, it’s important to talk with your Conveyancer and have them check for details such as building regulations, restrictive covenants, local authority plans and possible tree-protection orders.

Taking the time to ensure these details are known can save significant issues during the sale process and ensuring an informed and worry-free purchase.


3. [ps2id id=’my-id3′ target=”/]Check for Planning Permissions


As part of a Conveyancing checklist, it’s important to check for planning permissions. Looking into the property’s local government council website can prove helpful when trying to determine if permission is valid and any plans for renovation are also likely to require approval.

It’s worth exploring any records as this will help to clear up any potential confusion or issues further down the line. Obtaining advice from Conveyancers in your area could be beneficial to ensure everything is correctly verified.

Conveyancing Checklists should always include researching existing Planning Permissions to remain on the safe side!


4. [ps2id id=’my-id4′ target=”/]Agree on the Price


One of the most important parts of this checklist is to agree on a price between both parties upfront.

Conveyancing agents can help to negotiate and establish an agreed upon price between seller and buyer before proceeding with anything else. If both sides do not reach an agreement regarding price, then the process could come to an abrupt end.

Take purchasing property seriously by taking advantage of Conveyancing experts who can guide you through each step of the way and keep your checklist updated as you progress through negotiations.


5. [ps2id id=’my-id5′ target=”/]Exchange Contracts

Exchange Contracts marks a major milestone in the Conveyancing process, and there are many factors that need to be considered when the buyer and seller exchange contracts.

This Conveyancing Checklist should include research into:

        1. – environmental risks,
        2. – checking proof of identify,
        3. – properly signed contracts by both parties,
        4. – details of any local authority searches,
        5. – communication with all relevant parties,
        6. – and information associated with the building’s energy efficiency.


Knowing which Conveyancing Checklist items need to be addressed will ensure buyers and sellers are protected as fully as possible whilst undergoing this important process.

Also read: What happens after exchange of contracts 


6. [ps2id id=’my-id6′ target=”/]Exchange Completion Dates


One crucial step in Conveyancing is Exchange Completion Dates. Make sure this key date is accurately timed within your Conveyancing checklist throughout the process is absolutely vital.

Exchange Completion Dates in the UK typically fall two weeks after contracts have been exchanged, although this timeline may vary depending on circumstanes.

Make sure that it’s marked clearly on your Conveyancing Checklist so you don’t miss any important deadlines!


Conveyancing Checklist : Conclusion

It’s easy for buyers, sellers and estate agents alike to overlook certain important steps when conveyancing in 2022.

This conveyancing checklist provides an invaluable reminder of some key things needed for smooth transactions between parties involved in buying/selling properties!

Also read: Can I do my own property conveyancing 

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