Top 5 Conveyancing Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

There are a number of myths about conveyancing which need to be addressed, and above all, people need to know that licensed conveyancers are qualified specialist lawyers who follow strict legal guidelines and are regulated by the Council For Licensed Conveyancers. They are property law experts, and focus solely on property transactions. They have also passed a number of stringent exams to attain their qualification. In addition, those with practices that have the Law Society Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS) accreditation, offer the highest levels of: client service and technical expertise, follow best practice, and have the capacity to satisfy insurers, lenders and regulators.

No 1. It Is Impossible To Get Hold Of Conveyancers

While it is understandable for conveyancers to be busy, they do nevertheless, have a duty to their clients, and if you email them directly, rather than trying to hunt them down on the phone, you can expect a prompt reply. In the case of something urgent, you can also leave a message with their secretary or on their answerphone.

No 2. The Cheapest Conveyancer Is The Best

Although value for money is important to all of us, and shopping around can be beneficial, when it is a serious legal matter concerning what for most of us is our main financial asset, cheap is not always the best route. Fixed fees, experience, the Law Society’s Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS) accreditation, awards and reviews all need to be taken into consideration. Just because you may see a cheap £100 deal, does not mean the entire procedure will be that. In fact, it is usually a hook to get new business, and there could be numerous add ons, making you wished that you had had the sense to opt for a guaranteed fixed fee arrangement.

No 3. Local Conveyancers Are Better

Although a local conveyancer may sound like a good idea, just as with No 2,  other aspects need to be taken into consideration as well. In this new IT age, there have been huge transformations in the way that legal work is done. Correspondence, searches and property registration are all carried out over the internet now. In fact, the Land Registry ‘dematerialised’ the deeds way back in 2003, so property titles are held there in electronic form. Therefore, choosing your conveyancer based on fixed fees, experience, CQS accreditation, awards and reviews, is the best way to go, especially as after an initial consultation, you are unlikely to be asked to visit a bricks and mortar office again.

No 4. Taking The Conveyancing Package From An Estate Agent Is Best

Many people are lead to believe that it is cheaper and easier to take this route, but they could not be more wrong. Being lured by a “special” conveyancing referral deal does not always pay off, as in the majority of cases, you will have to pay up to £400 more on your estate agency’s commission bill.

No 5. Conveyancing Takes Too Long

This is completely untrue. As long as you go a reputable CQS accredited conveyancer, and there are no delays or complications brought about by the other party, your completion can usually be done within a period of 7 to 10 weeks. This is highly favourable compared to the up to 16 weeks national average.

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